First, escape being aborted.
Become "educated" according to State requirements, and trained from childhood to believe State-servitude is your most advantageous destiny. That self-reliance and self-determination are treasonous concepts.
Get funneled through a State-approved curriculum in order to qualify for...
College loans, so you enter adulthood accustomed and assimilated to a life of debt.
Take advanced technology courses, to become a cog in the State-designed infrastructure, as it devolves into the foremost subsistent-salary industry, and its role in the durability of the State becomes more and more mundane.
Stay distracted by perennial side-issues (to be trotted out promptly should your attention be swayed by current events which may indict the powers-that-be), so as not to ponder the status of your life quality, or of the actual corruption lording over it.
Convince yourself that the continual loosening of moral values compensates for the gradual removal of your freedoms.
Become addicted to State-provided substances; GMO foods, and other non-nutrients, so that you will...
Develop one or more of several State-approved conditions like diabetes, hypertension, or various lingering pre-cancerous conditions… so that you will...
Work your most productive 30 years producing tax revenue for the State while serving as a dutiful, medically dependent drone/consumer, and then promptly…
Drop dead at around 55-60 (the new "retirement" age) so that you do not overwhelm the newly "reformed" healthcare system, or require expensive healthcare due to advanced aging. If you do…
You will be denied adequate medical help until you can fulfill your State-bound duty to expire and make room for the next generation of "useful" citizens.
And most importantly… profess happiness and personal fulfillment during all of the above.
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