You saw mommy kissing Santa Claus? Kind of makes the milk and cookies you left seem naively passé, doesn't it?
I'm dreaming of a chromatically challenged Christmas.
Blonds don't really have more fun, they just forget their misery quicker.
A life lesson from McDonalds: You get your toy only after all your nuggets are gone.
Yo-yos were invented by the ancient Chinese, and originally meant to be weapons. With this in mind, I'd love to see Tommy Smothers just frickin' lose it one day and nail some smartass 14 year-old with a Duncan Butterfly, a big bright red one.
Sure, shop local this holiday to support your town's economy, even though you plan to return everything on the 26th.
With fuel costs what they are now, some parents are encouraging their kids to misbehave – a lump of coal is a lump of coal!
I've been given half a peace sign by several motorists this holiday season, so at least people are trying. Huh? What am I missing??