If you haven't been to the bathroom since yesterday, you're full of shit.
Don't wait for spontaneity, be impulsive!
I fantasized about sex with Penelope Cruz... until I met her. I also used to think that the Dan Aykroyd skit in which he plays Julia Child, and accidentally opens a vein with a paring knife, was hilarious... until I actually met Julia Child. Then I thought the skit was just mean.
I don't want to be in charge, but I will defy anyone who assumes they are.
I enjoy seeing two women I've fantasized about standing in a hallway together talking. I'll leave it at that.
The ultimate answer to any question: "It's because people are idiots."
Paula Abdul is the new spin on Dino; the celebrity drunk... only Dino was pretending.
Half of life is trying to keep it from falling apart.
I've alternated between the same two pair of socks for the past week... and so far I'm okay.
How can a movie's dialogue be clever when nobody in real life talks that way?
Hammer as loud as you need to, but get whatever it is you're building built already!