Just about anyone can beat me at chess. I don't play poker enough to know how bad I am.
Does Batman ever eat nachos while working in the batcave on a slow night?
The world's first biologist was the caveman who took a crap, looked down at it, and thought, "what IS that shit that keeps coming out of my ass!!"
That couple in the restaurant with well behaved kids – they deserve a medal. Both them and the kids.
Irony is nearly destroying a suppository getting the foil off, finally getting it inserted, then having a sudden involuntary fart attack.
Don't marry any metropolitan woman who does "Hillbilly Night."
Send me twenty dollars and I'll send you a shiny new penny!
What does it mean exactly, when through the wall, you can hear the landlord crying?
Roger Ebert's movie sucks!
Just because it rhymes doesn't make it a poem.
What ever you do with another consenting adult is yours to feel guilty as hell about the next morning.
Can you listen with the same intensity that you dominate the conversation with?